ADRIANA NUÑEZ-CRISTÓBAL: Effect of laser fluency in SI nanocrystal generated by laser ablation. (in session "SHORT TALKS")
ADRIÁN ORTEGA: Spectral and transport properties of a simple PT -symmetric tight-binding chain with gain and loss (in session "SHORT TALKS")
AKSHANA PARAMESWARAN: Nanostructured thin films of tin sulphide for photodetector applications from pulsed laser ablated nanocolloids (in session "PLENARY TALKS")
ALBERTO ROBLEDO: Localization, a nonlinear dynamical equivalent and its presence in complex systems (in session "PLENARY TALKS")
ALEJANDRO CRUZ: Ag:Au bimetallic nanoparticles by pulsed laser ablation in liquid and their coatings. (in session "SHORT TALKS")
ALEJANDRO GARCÍA: On the canonical transformations group and polymer quantum mechanics (in session "SHORT TALKS")
ALFREDO HERRERA: Estimation of mass and spin parameters of a Kerr black hole: Newton vs. Einstein (in session "SHORT TALKS")
ANAHÍ LIMAS: Preparation of Graphite nanoparticles by laser ablation in distilled water with and without ultrasonic excitation. (in session "PLENARY TALKS")
ANDREAS BUCHLETINER: Quantum transport in complex systems: from single to many particles (in session "SUPER PLENARY TALKS")
ANTONIO FERNÁNDEZ: Aerogel-based metasurfaces for perfect acoustic energy absorption (in session "SHORT TALKS")
ANTONIO GARCÍA: Relativistic Runge-Lenz Vector (in session "SHORT TALKS")
ARTURO ROBLEDO: Effect of the sample’s temperature on the line emission in laser ablation at cryogenic temperatures. (in session "SHORT TALKS")
BARBARA DIETZ: Quantum Chaotic Scattering Experiments with Microwave Billiards, Random Matrix Theory and their Application to Nuclear Data (in session "PLENARY TALKS")
BEATRIZ DE LA MORA: Strategies for functionalization of gold nanoparticles fabricated by laser ablation in liquids. (in session "SHORT TALKS")
CARLOS ACOSTA: Modelling of single nanosecond laser pulse-induced modifications of Silicon surfaces. (in session "SHORT TALKS")
CARLOS HERDEIRO: Black holes and ultralight bosonic fields (in session "PLENARY TALKS")
CARLOS PINEDA: A quantum framework for coarse graining and fuzzy measurements (in session "SHORT TALKS")
CECILIA NOGUEZ: Flatland: Two-dimensional heterostructures with van der Waals interactions (in session "PLENARY TALKS")
CITLALI SÁNCHEZ: Nanosecond laser nanostructuring of glass assisted by thin films, nanoparticles and nanoprism arrays (in session "SHORT TALKS")
CLAUS LÄMMERZAHL: Accretion disks as probes of Black Hole physics (in session "PLENARY TALKS")
CÉSAR GUARÍN: Disentangling the different and ultrafast relaxation processes in aromatic molecules. (in session "PLENARY TALKS")
DANIEL AMARO: Geodesic Structure of the Einstein-Euler-Heisenberg Black Hole Spacetime (in session "SHORT TALKS")
DANIEL SUDARSKY: A novel account for the nature and magnitude of the Dark Energy (in session "SHORT TALKS")
DAVID VERGARA: Quantum Geometry from a Noncommutative C*-twisted Poincaré algebra (in session "SHORT TALKS")
DEIRDRE SHOEMAKER: Numerical Relativity in the Age of Gravitational Wave Observations (in session "PLENARY TALKS")
DELFINO REYES: Laser ablated/fragmented carbon materials for the production of photoluminescent nanocolloids. (in session "SHORT TALKS")
DENNIS PHILIPP: General Relativistic Geodesy: concepts and effects (in session "SHORT TALKS")
EDUARDO BARRIOS: Laser-induced boundary states in graphite (in session "SHORT TALKS")
ELOY AYÓN-BEATO: On the consistent thermodynamics of Lifshitz black holes (in session "SHORT TALKS")
ELÍAS CASTELLANOS: Bose-Einstein condensates as dark matter halos (in session "SHORT TALKS")
EMERSON SADURNÍ: Extended quantum particles in free fall: Analytical treatment of their diffraction (in session "PLENARY TALKS")
EMMANUEL HARO:Nanostructured surfaces and bulk systems synthesized by laser ablation: fabrication and subsequent experiments. (in session "PLENARY TALKS")
ENRIQUE ESPARZA: Monolayers of cholesterol deposited by Langmuir-Blodgett technique on nanostructured substrates. (in session "PLENARY TALKS")
EUSEBIO JUARISTI: Moléculas Quirales en el Espacio y Homoquiralidad en la Tierra (in session "PUBLIC LECTURE")
FERNANDO GONZÁLEZ-ZAVALA: Pulsed laser deposition of silver vanadates thin films employing two non-conventional array plasmas. (in session "SHORT TALKS")
FRANCISCO GUZMÁN: Estimates of black hole parameters in astrophysical systems (in session "SHORT TALKS")
FRANCISCO TURRUBIATES: Uncertainty relations in arbitrary phase spaces (in session "SHORT TALKS")
GABRIEL CASTILLO: Ultrafast laser inscription of photonic devices in transparent dielectrics. (in session "SHORT TALKS")
GABRIELA BÁEZ: Elastic Metamaterial Engineering (in session "SHORT TALKS")
GERARDO CONTRERAS: Thin film and device processing at the Pulse Laser Deposition (PLD) laboratories of the Superior School of Physics and Mathematics (ESFM) – IPN and the Chemistry Faculty (FQ)-UAQ. (in session "PLENARY TALKS")
GUILLERMO VÁZQUEZ: Reactive transport in terms of Graphical and Chemical Operads (in session "SHORT TALKS")
HEINO FALCKE: Imaging Black Holes with the Event Horizon Telescope (in session "SUPER PLENARY TALKS")
HERNANDO QUEVEDO: Geometrodynamics of Black Holes (in session "SHORT TALKS")
HORACIO PASTAWSKI: Decoherent Quantum Transport: from Giant Magnetoresistance and SASERs to Quantum Dynamical Phase Transitions (in session "SUPER PLENARY TALKS")
HORACIO PILÓN: An analytic representation for the three-body interaction (in session "SHORT TALKS")
HUGO COMPEÁN: Deformation quantization of superstrings (in session "SHORT TALKS")
HUGO MORALES-TÉCOTL: Polymer Quantum Field Theory in the High Energy Regime (in session "SHORT TALKS")
HUMBERTO LAGUNA: The Wigner function of Open Quantum Systems and position-momentum correlation (in session "SHORT TALKS")
JOHN FRANCO: Quantum gravimetry insensitive to external disturbances using composite light pulses (in session "SHORT TALKS")
JORGE CERVANTES-COTA: A Brief History of Gravitational Waves (in session "PLENARY TALKS")
JOSÉ LUIS HERNÁNDEZ: Enhanced light transmission in disordered metallic nanoisland flims. (in session "SHORT TALKS")
JOSÉ LUIS LÓPEZ: Presence of Avoided Crossings in Rectangular Thin Plates. (in session "SHORT TALKS")
JOSÉ MORALES: Commercial aluminum foil as a substrate for Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy: A study via atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). (in session "SHORT TALKS")
JOSÉ QUIÑONES: Control of plasma parameters for the pulsed laser deposition of alloys, compounds and composite thin films. (in session "PLENARY TALKS")
KATIA DEL CARMEN: Synthesis and optoelectronic properties of nanocomposites of Sb2S3 with Si from laser ablated nanocolloids. (in session "SHORT TALKS")
LEONARDO PATIÑO: Thermodynamics of D7-branes in supergravity warped black holes. (in session "SHORT TALKS")
LINDA GARCÍA: Femtosecond laser-induced crystallization in Antimony Sulphide thin films (Sb2S3). (in session "SHORT TALKS")
LUCA CELARDO: Cooperative effects and long range interactions: from Superradiance to Cooperative Shielding (in session "SHORT TALKS")
LUCA TESSIERI: Transport and localization phenomena in media with correlated disorder (in session "PLENARY TALKS")
LUIS ESCOBAR: Laser ablation of metals submerged in water as an alternative method for hydrogen production. (in session "PLENARY TALKS")
LUIS FELIPE DEVIA: Ultrafast laser welding of ceramics. (in session "PLENARY TALKS")
LUIS MENDOZA: Ultrafast study of cyanine IR-780: efficiency of two photon absorption by control of molecule release. (in session "PLENARY TALKS")
MARCO CAMACHO LÓPEZ: Laser-induced transformations in metal oxides and metals. (in session "SHORT TALKS")
MARCO MACEDA: Noncommutative inspired black holes (in session "SHORT TALKS")
MARIO C. DÍAZ: How heavy are stellar mass black holes? (in session "PLENARY TALKS")
MARIO DÍAZ: Five years of Gravitational Wave Astronomy: What have we learned and what will we learn in the next five. (in session "PUBLIC LECTURE")
MARIO RODRÍGUEZ-MEZA: A code for perturbation theory in modified gravity (in session "SHORT TALKS")
MAURICIO LÓPEZ: Measuring with Fundamental Constants (in session "SHORT TALKS")
MIGUEL ALCUBIERRE: Gravitational waves (in session "PLENARY TALKS")
MIGUEL SABIDO: Noncommutative Cosmology and the Cosmological Constant (in session "SHORT TALKS")
MIGUEL ÁNGEL CAMACHO: Short pulsed laser synthesis of nanomaterials and optical characterization of materials at UAEMex. (in session "SHORT TALKS")
MIZTLI YÉPEZ: Wave transport through disordered waveguides: the effective response and the statistics of the scattering matrix (in session "SHORT TALKS")
NORA BRETÓN: Regular Black Holes (in session "SHORT TALKS")
NOÉ ENRÍQUEZ: Synthesis of manganese oxides by laser ablation of solids in liquids (LASL). (in session "SHORT TALKS")
NOÉ ZAMORA: Synthesis of Molybdenum Oxide Nanoparticles by Laser Ablation of Solids in Liquids. (in session "SHORT TALKS")
OMAR LÓPEZ-CRUZ: Optical Follow-up of Gravitational Wave Sources (in session "PLENARY TALKS")
OSCAR ROSAS-ORTIZ: Supersymmetric Approach to Quantum Mechanics (in session "PLENARY TALKS")
OSMARY DEPABLOS-RIVERA: Analysis of plasmas produced by pulsed laser ablation combined with magnetron sputtering. (in session "SHORT TALKS")
PABLO LAGUNA: Space-time Curiosities: Inside the Final Black Hole and Geometrorobotics (in session "PLENARY TALKS")
PATRICIA MALDONADO-ALTAMIRANO: Optical and morphological characterization of CdSe nanoparticles processed by laser ablation in liquid. (in session "SHORT TALKS")
PAULINA SEGOVIA-OLVERA: Laser induced periodic surface structures on Bi and Ti thin films under femtosecond irradiation. (in session "PLENARY TALKS")
QUELZATSIN CARRASCO: Phenomenological model for the incoherent addition of two quantum resistors connected in series (in session "SHORT TALKS")
RAFAEL MÉNDEZ: Artificial Mechanical Molecules (in session "PLENARY TALKS")
RAMÓN CARRILES: Nano- and micro-machining of stainless steel for superhydrophobicity. (in session "PLENARY TALKS")
REMO RUFINI: Discovery of energy extraction by discrete "Black-Holic" quanta from a Kerr Black Hole in GRB 190114C (in session "SUPER PLENARY TALKS")
RENÉ RODRÍGUEZ: Femtosecond laser fabrication of periodic nanostructures on polymeric surfaces reinforced by carbon additives. (in session "PLENARY TALKS")
ROBERTO QUEZADA: Dynamics of quantum states in an energy transport model (in session "PLENARY TALKS")
ROBERTO SUSSMAN: Towards a relativistic covariant interpretation of Milgrom’s acceleration (in session "SHORT TALKS")
ROBIN SAGAR: Information Entropies, Correlations, and Applications in Continuous Variable Quantum Systems (in session "SHORT TALKS")
ROMÁN LINARES: α' corrections of Black Holes (in session "SHORT TALKS")
ROSALBA CASTAÑEDA: Synthesis of lead free electroceramics thin films by PLD. (in session "PLENARY TALKS")
RUTH DIAMANT: Photonic Crystals in the Amplitude and Phase Representation (in session "SHORT TALKS")
SADASIVAN SHAJI: Pulsed laser ablation in liquid – Nanocolloids to thin films and devices. (in session "PLENARY TALKS")
SANTIAGO CAMACHO: Short and ultrashort pulsed laser processing of materials at CICESE. (in session "PLENARY TALKS")
SHARMA KANAKKILLAM: Pulsed laser fragmentation of nanostructured ZnO-Co2O3 materials for solar photocatalysis. (in session "SHORT TALKS")
SHI-HAI DONG: Entanglement measures for W-class states in noninertial frame (in session "SHORT TALKS")
STEFANIE KOMOSSA: The quest for supermassive black holes: singles, binaries, and mergers (in session "PLENARY TALKS")
SVEN REICHENBERGER: Fundamentals, Scalability and Application of Colloidal Metal and Alloy Nanoparticles prepared by Laser Synthesis and Processing in Liquid. (in session "SUPER PLENARY TALKS")
SVEN REICHENBERGER: Pulsed laser post-processing of colloidal metal and oxidic nanoparticles to tailor nanomaterials properties. (in session "PLENARY TALKS")
THOMAS GORIN: Quantum predecessors of stochastic processes with an application to the Ising spin chain (in session "PLENARY TALKS")
THOMAS STEGMANN: Electron optics in phosphorene pn junctions (in session "SHORT TALKS")
TSAMPIKOS KOTTOS: Time-Reversal Symmetry and its Applications: From Waveform Shaping to System Protection (in session "PLENARY TALKS")
TUPAK GARCÍA: Photoacoustic analysis during laser synthesis and processing of colloids (in session "PLENARY TALKS")
V. GÁMEZ-ALBO: Synthesis of silver nanoparticles in a liquid medium for application as bactericidal and fungicidal agents. (in session "SHORT TALKS")
VICTOR CONTRERAS: Analysis of liquids impurities with LIBS assisted by acoustic levitation sampling. (in session "SHORT TALKS")
VICTOR IBARRA-SIERRA: Method for finding effective Hamiltonian of time-driven quantum systems (in session "SHORT TALKS")
VOLKER PERLICK: Influence of a cosmic expansion on the shadow of a black hole (in session "PLENARY TALKS")
YURI BONDER: Symmetries in theories with nondynamical fields (in session "SHORT TALKS")
ÁLVARO LÓPEZ: Separation and size determination of silver nanoparticles synthesized by laser ablation in liquid. (in session "SHORT TALKS")
ÁNGEL MARTÍNEZ: Transport studies in three-terminal microwave graphs with orthogonal, unitary, and symplectic symmetry (in session "SHORT TALKS")
ÁULIDE MARTÍNEZ: Bessel beam propagation in calcium vapor and conical emission. (in session "SHORT TALKS")
Include materials from selected contributions