Feb 17 – 21, 2020
El Colegio Nacional, México City
America/Mexico_City timezone

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The VII Leopoldo Garcia--Colin Mexican Meeting on Mathematical and Experimental Physics, first held in September 2001, is fostered by a group of professors of the Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, at Iztapalapa Campus, in collaboration with El Colegio Nacional to set up a forum where promising and important areas of research in Physics and related fields such as Gravitation and Cosmology, Statistical and Biological Physics among others, can be presented and discussed. The main objective is, to open new lines of research for young Mexican scientists and promising graduate students.

The 2020 meeting consists of five plenary lectures and three parallel symposia: Black Holes and Gravitational Waves, Quantum Transport Theory in Complex Systems, and Laser Ablation. The contents of the meeting will be published in 2020 in three volumes under the same running title.

The commemorative Leopoldo Garcia--Colin meeting’s medal was awarded in 2001 to Prof. Nicholas Van Kampen for his outstanding contributions to the field of statistical mechanics. In 2004 it was awarded to Prof. Michael Duff for his work on unified field theories and strings. In 2007 such honor was bestowed upon Prof. Victor Marquez for his valuable contributions in cancer research. In 2010 Prof. George Weiss was awarded with the meeting medal for his contributions to the field of Biological Physics and Chemistry. In 2013 Prof. Claus Laemmerzahl got the meeting medal for his work on the confrontation of gravitation with experiments. In 2016 Prof. Hans-Juergen Stoeckmann was awarded for his outstanding contributions to quantum chaos. In 2020 Prof. Mario Diaz will be recognized for his contributions to LIGO detection of gravitational waves.

The event will be held in the beautiful colonial building of El Colegio Nacional located in the heart of Mexico´s City colonial section downtown, a site surrounded by other magnificent constructions of that time.

El Colegio Nacional, México City