Oct 18 – 20, 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

This is a sandbox server intended for trying out Indico. It should not be used for real events and any events on this instance may be deleted without notice.

We invite you to submit your work to the 5th International Conference on Environmental Design (ICED2023), 18-20 October 2024, Athens/Piraeus, Greece and Virtual (https://iced.eap.gr/)

Please submit your contribution before 18 February 2024

ICED2023 will take place in a face to face meeting in Athens/Piraeus and also virtual.

The conference will combine the most recent scientific developments in Environmental Design (Sustainability / Pollution / Energy / Cities-Buildings / Transportation / Erosion / Climate Change / Policy / Social Acceptance / Health Impacts). It will provide a unique opportunity for experts to interact and to apply their knowledge and latest research findings to the design and developments of environmental processes.
