General Discussion
Jet quenching
Andy- Why don’t we see jet quenching in proton--proton collisions?
- How important is system size for jet quenching?
- What observables are particularly sensitive to jet quenching?
- How do these observables depend on system size, particularly for small systems?
- What observables are easy to compare between theory and experiment?
Particle production & freeze-out
Vytautas- Does strangeness enhancement come from canonical suppression, strings or something else? Can we find an observable for this?
- Do we have a common or flavour-dependent freeze-out in small systems? What could be a reasonable check for this?
- How reasonable are fits from models (with freeze-out) to small systems?
- What can we learn from charm, QCD couplings and charm balance?
- Freeze-outs: are there single or multiple? Are they flavour dependent? Are they strangeness dependent?
- Radial boost: How reliable are blast-waves? Are there any other ways?
Correlations & fluctuations
Sumit- What is the origin of non-zero v_n in proton--proton (and proton--lead) collisions?
- Are fluctuations only due to initial stages, or are they affected by the expansion of the QGP?
- Can we separate QGP contributions to fluctuations from initial stages?
- Do/should v_n fluctuations in proton--proton collisions show similar trends as in lead--lead collisions?
- What are possible sources of long-range correlations in proton--proton and proton--lead collisions?
- Balance function: Is conservation of colour charges local or global? Flow UPC/DIS?
CGC versus Lund strings
Jarkko- What are experimental and phenomenological consequences of CGC medium modifications?
- What is the “smoking gun signature” of saturation and can we observe it?
- How can we incorporate the CGC in Pythia? How does the Lund string picture differ from the weak coupling/CGC picture?
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