1–2 Mar 2023
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

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The Operational Choi-Jamio lkowski Isomorphism

2 Mar 2023, 15:35


Emily Adlam (The Rotman Institute of Philosophy,)


I use an operational formulation of the Choi-Jamio lkowski isomorphism to explore
an approach to quantum mechanics in which the state is not the fundamental ob-
ject. I first situate this project in the context of generalized probabilistic theories
and argue that this framework may be understood as a means of drawing conclusions
about the intratheoretic causal structure of quantum mechanics which are independent of any specific ontological picture. I then give an operational formulation of the Choi-Jamio lkowski isomorphism and show that, in an operational theory whichexhibits this isomorphism, several features of the theory which are usually regarded as properties of the quantum state can be derived from constraints on non-local correlations. This demonstrates that there is no need to postulate states to be the bearers of these properties, since they can be understood as consequences of a fundamental equivalence between multipartite and temporal correlations.


Emily Adlam (The Rotman Institute of Philosophy,)

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