1 November 2019
Asia/Irkutsk timezone

This is a sandbox server. Events will be deleted without notice.

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

Your abstract (1-2 pages) should be prepared in LaTeX with the following template (template.zip).
Please use
- ‘template_eng.tex’ if you choose to write the abstract in English,
- ‘template_rus.tex’ if you choose to write the abstract in Russian (please note that the file uses UTF-8 encoding)

One may also use the Overleaf template (https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/template-of-a-paper-for-nla2018-conference/fgxqcwcfcffn)

After clicking the button 'Add new abstract' you will be asked to create your Indico profile and verify your email. Please enter the email that you have used during registration.

The call for abstracts is closed.