This is a sandbox server intended for trying out Indico. It should not be used for real events and any events on this instance may be deleted without notice.


Zhiyuan Pei (Guangzhou University)

The blazar TXS 0506+056 lies within the error circle of
IceCube-170922A, the IceCube high-energy neutrion candidate event
whose detection was reported.

Follow-up observations were performed by a number of GeV-TeV
instruments with both Fermi-LAT and MAGIC reporting evidence for
gamma-ray emission from positions consistent with the IceCube neutrino
error circle which they thus associate with the blazar TXS 0506+056.
Upper limits on the gamma-ray emission from the region were
reported by H.E.S.S, HAWC and VERITAS. Detailed papers on all of
these observations can be found in the reference section below.

  • ppp YYY